Bo Cogbill (MDiv, Westminster/Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, TX, 2012; PhD, Biblical Counseling, in progress) was installed as the pastor of Reformation Covenant Church in January of 2019. He and his wife, Rachel, met at TCU, in Fort Worth, TX, where they both earned their BA in Finance, and more importantly, came to follow Christ. Bo and Rachel are both ACBC certified counselors, and they have three other Texans, Bailey, Sydney, and Keller. Their consensus favorite thing to do is “just be together," outdoors, if possible. Pastor Cogbill currently sits on the board of the Reformed Evangelical Seminary, the Joint Eastern European Project, and the CREC Domestic Church Planting Network. In addition to pastoring his local church, Bo hopes to help pastors, elders, and church leaders get equipped to counsel so that soul care will return to the sphere God intended – the local church.

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