Who we are
We are a multigenerational church that has been worshiping, learning, and doing life together since 1983. We are committed to the Biblical and historic Christian faith "that was once for all delivered to the saints," and we are privileged to stand in the long line of what is sometimes called the Reformed faith.
Reformation Covenant Church is a worshiping community, empowered by the good news of the risen Savior-King to live in joyful commitment to Jesus Christ. We are a member of the CREC and an active part of the community of churches in Oregon City. We seek to bring God's peace and blessings to our families, workplace, neighborhoods and city by living out our proclamation of the Gospel.
How we worship
Every Lord’s Day, saints young and old gather to worship the Triune God, to rest from our ordinary labors, and to feast with the people of God. We have a rich tradition of vibrantly singing the best psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs from the first century to today. We rejoice in being assured our sins are forgiven in Christ, and we are delighted to hear from God’s Word, cover to cover. We pray for one another and the world, and we confess the faith we share with the saints throughout time. The height of our service is our weekly communion with God, as all of God’s people who have been baptized into Christ are welcomed to dine with Him at His Table (yes, even children!). After Communion, we are sent back out into the world to love the Triune God, love our neighbors, and transform the fallen world. In addition to a rich Lord’s Day service, we have a weekly potluck meal that continues RCC’s marks of family and feasting.

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How we fellowship
We are located in Oregon City, OR (a suburb of Portland), but we have families all over the metro area who gather throughout the week for fellowship meals, Bible studies, Community Groups, Books Studies, Men’s and Women’s Bible studies, Moms’ Groups, and just visiting each other's homes. A highlight of our year is our week-long church camp where almost the entire church goes to Rockaway Beach, where we get extended times of teaching, singing, and fellowship.
We believe God has blessed decades of faithfulness to Him and His Word, and now the second generation of members, who were once children in our aisles, are now stepping up and taking their place in the running and governing of the church. We would love for you to join us!
The Story of RCC
See how God has been faithful in the life of the Church for the last 40 years.